Monday, November 26, 2012

Thesis: The Marketing Communication Strategy of Blue Bird Taxi... (Part 6)

To get a better understanding about this, please start reading from the first post of the series. 

THESIS: The Marketing Communication Strategy of Blue Bird Taxi To Maintain Market Leader Position After Using The Highest Tariff:

  • Part 1   : Introduction & Book Cover
  • Part 2   : Research Originality Statement and Acknowledgement
  • Part 3   : Abstract
  • Part 4   : Table of Contents
  • Chapter I     : part 5, part 6


(Chapter I continued...)

To further understand the competition in the taxi market, we should know the industry background in general. This category has 3 main players as shown in Table 1.1 based on the 2010 Indonesia’s Most Admired Companies award, or IMAC awards, which are Blue Bird Group, Express Group and Putra Group, with Blue Bird Group as the market leader and the largest taxi company.
Table 1.1
Indonesia’s Most Admired Companies Award 2010
Taxi Industry
1.    Blue Bird Group
2.    Express Trasindo Utama
3.    Taxi Putra Group
Secondary data: Frontier Consulting Group

Table 1.2 shows that BBG armada ranks number 1 with approximately 14.000 taxis. Second place is Express Group with 5.700 taxis. Third place is Putra Group with 1.450 taxis. As mentioned earlier, BBG taxi as the market leader use an above-market price called the upper tariff (tarif atas), which starts at Rp 6.000,-, followed by Rp 3000,- for each kilometer, compared to Express Taxi and Putra that uses the lower tariff (tarif bawah) which starts Rp 5.000,- and followed by Rp 2500,- for each kilometer. There is also the old tariff (tarif lama) which starts at Rp 4.000,-, which is use by some taxi companies.
Table 1.2
Taxi Company Comparison
Taxi Company
Total Armada
Total Cities of Operations
Price Strategy
1.    Blue Bird Group
Upper Tariff
2. Express Trasindo Utama
Lower Tariff
3.    Taxi Putra Group
Lower Tariff
Secondary data

Besides winning the 2010 IMAC award, BBG taxi also won the 2009 IMAC award, which was held after BBG started using the high tariff pricing, and BBG also won the 2008 IMAC award, which was held before BBG raise their Rp 6000,- tariff. The attribute that the IMAC award measured includes the quality of service or product, high quality attention to the consumer, the trustworthiness of the company, and the innovation of the company. From these IMAC awards we can assume that taxi users percieve BBG as the quality leader in the taxi services before and after using the highest price tariff.

Furthermore, BBG also won the 2010 Top Brand Award for the taxi category which was organized by the Frontier Consulting Group and the Marketing magazine, as shown in Table 1.3. This award measured the mind share, market share and commitment share within the taxi category. ( &id=25&Itemid=20)
Table 1.3
Top Brand Award 2010, Taxi Category (Listing 1 - 4)
TOP = >10%
1.    Blue Bird
59,99 %
TOP Brand
2.    Express
7,5 %

3.    Bosowa
6,0 %

4.    Putra
4,7 %

Secondary data: Frontier Consulting Group

By looking at the result of IMAC award 2010 & 2010 Top Brand award, we can assume that BBG is the leader in quality taxi services and is used the most by the taxi users despite BBG having the most expensive tariff. We can also conclude that BBG is still the market leader after using their high tariff pricing strategy which is in line with their quality leadership strategy.