Sunday, November 25, 2012

Strategic Issues Management: The Indonesian National Police (POLRI) Image Restoration Program (Part 12)

This is a series of blog post about a Communication Plan Proposal that I made in order to get a certificate in Strategic Issues Management from Edith Cowan University. To get a better understanding about this, please start reading from the first post of the series. 

Strategic Issues Management: The Indonesian National Police (POLRI) Image Restoration Program:

Interogated For 5 Hours, Edo Was Asked About The Money Distribution, 22 June 2009
“Diperiksa 5 Jam, Edo Ditanya Soal Distribusi Uang”

Edo, one of the suspect of Nasruddin murder case, was again interrogated. This is a follow up interrogation regarding Wiliardi’s denial that he met with Edo. However on certain places there are evidence on cctv recording that they met. AlsoJerry Hermawan Lo another suspect was interrogated as he is accused of arranging Edo and Wiliardi to meet. Edo and Jerry are in an organization called Forum Persatuan Anak Bangsa.

Interogated For 2 Hours, Jerry Gave No Comment, 22 June 2009
“Diperiksa 2 Jam, Jerry Bungkam”

Jerry, one of the suspect of Nasruddin murder case, was interrogated. Edo did not answer to the media regarding his role in setting up Wiliardi and Edo to meet. Along with Jerry, other suspect were interrogated during that day except for Wiliardi and Sigid.

Antasari, Wiliardi, Sigid & Jerry’s Dossier Will Go To The Attorney General Next Week, 19 June 2009
“Berkas Antasari, Wiliardi, Sigid & Jerry Dilimpahkan Pekan Depan”

The dossier of the suspect of Nasruddin murdeer case including Antasai Azhar, Wiliardi Wizar, Sigid Haryo Wibisono and Jerry Hermawan Lo will be given to the Attorney General next week. The dossier of 5 people suspected as the executor of the murder was returned to the police by the Attorney General. By next week the police will also give these 5 dossiers to the Attorney General along with Antasari, Wiliardi and Sigid’s

Suripto: It is Part of a Silent Operation, 18 June 2009
“Suripto: Itu Bagian Dari Silent Operation”

Former Director Coordination of Indonesian Intelligence, (BAKIN), Suripto mentions that Nasruddin muder case is part of silent operation. This means that it was not mention to the public. Antasari once reported that Nasrudin threaten him. Polri must find out if this is part of big conspiracy or not. If it is, there is got to be a master mind behind.all this, this can include people that wants to stop or interfere in KPK’ investigation of corruption cases.

The Drivers of Edo, Wiliardi and Jerry was Confronted, 12 June 2009
“Supir Edo, Wiliardi, dan Jerry Dikonfrontir”

The drivers of Edo, Wiliardi and Jerry was confronted in an interrogation. The purpose of this is to find out the meeting place of Edo, Wiliardi and Jerry. Wiliardi’s lawyer mention that this seems unnecessary because the 3 drivers does not know each other.