Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thesis: The Marketing Communication Strategy of Blue Bird Taxi... (Part 21)

To get a better understanding about this, please start reading from the first post of the series. 

THESIS: The Marketing Communication Strategy of Blue Bird Taxi To Maintain Market Leader Position After Using The Highest Tariff:

(Chapter III continued)
3.3       Data Generation Schedule
            This research lasts for 7 months, from July to January 2011, while interviews were conducted on January 2011. The location is at Blue Bird Group Headquarters in Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya, Jakarta Selatan.

3.4       Data Analysis Procedure
            The kind of analysis data which was used in this research is descriptive. It describes and explains the situation or the occurrence as it is. Data analysis was done in the field by conducting interviews with the key informant and the information obtained was analyzed qualitatively. The steps of data analysis were:

3.4.1.  Transcribes
            As previously mentioned, the interviews were recorded. After the interviews have been conducted, the researcher transcribed the information. The researcher did the transcription himself because this allows the researcher to immense in the data and become sensitive to the issues of importance.

3.4.2.  Read the Transcribes
            After making the transcribes, the researcher read it at least three times to get deeper understanding about the information contained. The researcher also made a minimum of three copies of transcripts. The researcher numbered each line of the interview transcript so that the researcher can pinpoint specific data when searching for them. Besides that, researcher also read field notes and secondary data/ literature review.

3.4.3   Coding
            Coding provides a first step to developing the categories, patterns and concepts. Coding informs the decisions the researcher made about what is worth saving, how to divide up the material, and how incidents of, say, activities or talk relate to other coded items. Coding starts after the researcher have read through the evidence several times and considers that the researcher thoroughly immersed in it and have begun to get an overall idea of the big picture (Daymon and Holoway.2002:122)

3.4.4   Categorization
            When the researcher found the themes and patterns in the data, then it was classified in two ways: according to the definitions used by participants themselves, or according to terms created by the researcher to reflect categories for which participants do not have labels or theme.

            The research uses these following methods of data analysis procedure:
1.    Collecting information from the field in Triangulation Method (depth interview, document review and observation)
2.    Transcript and coding the information that was gathered at the field
3.    Sorting the information into categories
4.    Review the theory with the finding
5.     Analysis the finding