Sunday, November 25, 2012

Strategic Issues Management: The Indonesian National Police (POLRI) Image Restoration Program (Part 14)

This is a series of blog post about a Communication Plan Proposal that I made in order to get a certificate in Strategic Issues Management from Edith Cowan University. To get a better understanding about this, please start reading from the first post of the series. 

Strategic Issues Management: The Indonesian National Police (POLRI) Image Restoration Program:

Wiliardi Stripped Off His Rank, 6 May 2009
“Wiliardi Dicopot Dari Jabatannya”

One of the suspect of Nasruddin murder case, Sr. Commisioner Wiliardi Wizar was stripped off his rank and position by the police. He is suspected as liason and the recruitment of the executioner team. Wiliardi is suspected to be involved because he was seeking for a promotion.

Wiliardi Wizar was Involve in Nasrudin Case To Get a Promotion, 5 May 2009
Penembakan Direktur PRB:
“Wiliardi Wizar Terlibat Kasus Nasrudin Supaya Naik Pangkat”

The Police denied that Wiliardi Wizar also was involve in the planning of the murder. Mr Wiliardi meet with other suspect of the murder so he could get a promotion. Mr. Wiliardi was believe to meet Antasari Azhar and ask to carry out the execution. At the time Wiliardi is a Chief of Commisioner and about to be promoted as Brigadir Jendral
Antasari Denied Knowing Wiliardi Wizar, 6 May 2009
 “Antasari Bantah Kenal Wiliardi Wizar”

Antasari Azhar made a different testimony against Wiliardi Wizar. Antasari mentions that the doesn’t know Wiliardi Wizar. Before the Head of Polri PR Division mention that Wiliardi knows Antasari. Wiliardi’s last position was a Department Head in POLRI’s headquarters.

Wiliardi Wizar Wants His Position Back, 7 May 2009
 “Wiliardi Wizar Minta Jabatannya Lagi”

Former Head of South Jakarta police District, Wiliardi Wizar will be asking back for his position. This will be done through Wiliardi’s lawyer by asking the Head of POLRI. His lawyer mention this will be done the next few days. His lawyer also mentions that Wiliardi neglected to ask Sigid Wibisono the purpose for finding people that in the end murdered Nasrudin.
Wiliardi Wizar: Sigid Wanted People for a National Duty, 7 May 2009
 “Sigid Minta Orang Untuk Urusan Negara”

Former Head of South Jakarta Police District, Wiliardi Wizar denied involvement in murdering Nasrudin Zulkarnaen. He confess that he only Sigid Wibisono in finding operational people to do an investigation. This investigation was for the state. He mention that he didn’t know what the purpose was for. Wiliardi also mention that he met Antasari Azhar to introduce the operational people that he recruited.


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