Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thesis: The Marketing Communication Strategy of Blue Bird Taxi... (Part 22)

To get a better understanding about this, please start reading from the first post of the series. 

THESIS: The Marketing Communication Strategy of Blue Bird Taxi To Maintain Market Leader Position After Using The Highest Tariff:


After discussing the methodology of the research, in this chapter the author will discuss the result of the research and analyze its findings of the marketing communication strategy used by Blue Bird Taxi to maintain market leader position after using the highest tariff.

4.1       Blue Bird Group Company Profile
Figure 4.1
Blue Bird Group Logo

Blue Bird Group (BBG) is a ground transportation company in Indonesia established in 1972. They are the leading company in regular taxi services (Blue Bird and Pusaka). Other various transport services that they offer are executive taxis that are targeted for middle to upper markets (Silver Bird), car rental (Golden Bird), bus rental (Big Bird) and container trucks (Iron Bird). With the motto "the reliable transportation partner", Blue Bird is known for high standards in serving the passenger taxis. Blue Bird Group serves an average of three million passengers per month throughout Indonesia and controls around 55% market share.

Blue Bird Group is supported by more than 20,000 employees, the latest technology such as GPS, MDT, SAP, and a computerized ordering system. With a combined fleet of approximately 21,000 vehicles in 17 branches, the Blue Bird Group's services are available in many cities of Indonesia including Jakarta, Bali, Bandung, Banten, Manado, Medan, Lombok, Semarang, Surabaya and Yogyakarta. In addition, their services can also be found in the central business and tourist destinations throughout the country.

4.1.1 Blue Bird Group Vision and Mission
 Blue Bird Group vision is “to be a sustainable, quality-driven company that ensures the continuing prosperity of all its stakeholders.

Blue Bird Group mission statement is “our goals are to achieve customer satisfaction, and to build and defend the first position as market leader in every category in which we compete. In land transportation, we provide reliable, high quality and superior services with the efficient use of resources, and we do it as a team.’
4.1.2 Blue Bird Group Regular Taxis Service
Figure 4.2
Blue Bird Taxi & Pusaka Taxi Logo

This research will focus on Blue Bird Group (BBG) regular taxi services which have 2 brands of taxi, Blue Bird taxi and Pusaka Taxi as seen in Graphics 4.2. Blue Bird taxis has a light blue color car, and Pusaka taxis have a dark blue color car as seen in Graphics 4.3.
Figure 4.3
Blue Bird Taxi & Pusaka Taxi
Source: Blue Bird Internal Video

Other taxis under the Blue Bird Group flagships include Morante Jaya, Cendrawasih, Pusaka Nuri, Pusaka Biru, Pusaka Lintas, Pusaka Satria, Pusaka Sentra, Pusaka Banten, Pusaka Prima, Surabaya Taksi, Bali Taksi and Lombok Taksi. BBG expansion of the armada is to fulfill a large demand of taxi services and the subsidiary companies is due to government regulations imposing limits on the number of vehicles allowed to operate under a certain privately owned company

In 2010, BBG taxi armada has combined fleet of 15.680 taxis all over Indonesia and approximately 11.000 taxis in Jakarta area. BBG has 28 Pools scattered throughout Jakarta, Bali, Bandung, Banten, Manado, Medan, Lombok, Semarang, Surabaya and Yogyakarta. Their strategic placement of taxi outlets is to allow easy access in and out of major business and commercial districts. These also include tourist hot spots and national and international airports around the country.

BBG taxis are known for their trusted drivers, utilizing the latest technology including computerized reservation system and GPS tracking; well-maintained fleet, lost-and-found services, easy to get fleet and easy payment options.

4.1.3 Blue Bird Group Corporate Image Department
Blue Bird Group is a family owned company which was founded by the late Mrs. Mutiara Djokosoetono, SH and is now led by her son Dr. H. Purnomo Prawiro as the President Director. The company’s management consists of nine departments which are managed by a Vice President and 17 pool depots or branch offices managed by a General Manager. The 9 departments of BBG are Business and Development, Audit, Central Operations, Sales & Marketing, Regulatory Affairs, Finance & Administration, Technical, Human Resources, Operations and 17 pool depots.

 The BBG Corporate Image division, whom is responsible for communication of the company, is under the management of Business Development Department. The Corporate Image division is manage by the Corporate Image Manager and divided into the Creative team, Marketing Communication staff and the Public Relations team as seen in table 4.1.

Figure 4.4
BBG Corporate Image Division Management Hierarchy
 Source: Blue Bird Interview